Big BumpZ Walkthrough

Big BumpZ Walkthrough
by Gary Rennie

Getting Started
Ok to start things off after you start go to career and choose either Mankind, Rob Van Dam or Jeff Hardy, you can customize them anyway so it doesn't matter much but you do need to customize the moves for this Guide to work.  I chose Mankind but changed the Model to skinny and changed the jumps to...
Jump A (Z): Splash.
Jump B (X): anything you like.
Jump C (C): Sumo.
Make the person look however you like provided you use them jumps the game will be slightly easier.
Stage 1 (Target:1500 points) 
Ok the idea of this level (I think) is to get you used to the way the game works.  There are many ways to complete the level but personally I would do it like so.
Pick up the table that is around the corner and dump it where you can see it, then put the glass on top of the table.  Climb the wall so you are at the very bottom hanging from the wall as low as you can and then press C without holding any directions.  Position the table so it is where you landed and then jump again using C and you should crash through the table and glass and get 600 points, leave the table and glass where they are and repeat the jump two more times to Complete the level.
Stage 2 (Target: 3 Moves on Friend) 
I actually find this level easier than Stage 1 and I use practically the same strategy.  First of all jump using C jumping from the base of the wall and remember where you land.  Then put your friend where you landed and do the C jump from the base of the wall three times to beat this level.
Stage 3 (Target: 1600 points)
See the two people in this level, use them to your advantage.  By now you should roughly know how far away people have to be to get hit by the Sumo (C) jump.  So position them both where they are vulnerable and then go to the base of the wall and use the C jump to hit (and knock over) both of them for 500 points.  Do this three times to get 1500 points and then do one without hitting them to get you 1600 points.
Stage 4 (Target: Destroy all items)
This is probably the hardest level so far, but using the same strategy as above it should be easy enough.  Stack the crates so that there are five piles of two crates and position them so that when you are at the base of the wall and press C you will smash both crates, this distance is about the width of a crate away from the wall, simply press C to smash both crates and lose between 10 and 20 health, repeat this for all the crates to beat the level.
Stage 5 (Target: 2000 points)
This level is nothing too challenging when you know the strategy.  Place your friend and the black guy about the width of one of the crates away from the bar.  Hop up onto the bar and press C to get 500 points.  Repeat this five times and you will have completed the level.
Stage 6 (Target: 2250 points)
This level is quite tough and I was stuck on it for a while.  I eventually worked out a strategy that is quite easy to do and easy enough to do.  Place the guy on the table and carry the table over the where the matting ends and the concrete begins, go up to the turnbuckle and press 2 to check that the person is inline with you. Press 5 to get back to the normal view and then perform a shooting star press (press Z and hold down until you rotate neatly onto your stomach.)  This should score somewhere in the 700 points range.  At the start of the level you should have 100% health which means you can get 1 or 2 (maybe even 3) bad jumps and still complete the level.
Stage 7 (Target: Death!)
It says the target is death but really it isn't (which I found out the hard way.)  Go round the corner and find the promoter guy then place him the same space away as it takes when you just press C.  But instead of just pressing C go up the wall so you are about your own height up from the ground and then perform a moonsault off the wall (Pressing Z and holding down until you are on your stomach.)  Repeat this until your health is gone and the promoter will say he wanted to tell you that your in.  You can get off with a couple of bad jumps in this stage too.
Stage 8 (Target: 2250 points)
I hate this level but it is easy enough after doing it a few times.  To start with take the table to the right of you and place it about a table away from the entrance.  Do a shooting star press on to the table for 450 points.  Repeat this 5 times to get the 2250 points you need.  The theory is simple but performing it is slightly harder because you can only do 2 bad jumps to be safe because of the level before chances are you won't have 100% health.  I once did this with a bad jump, four shooting star presses leaving me with 14% health to get 300 points, I did an Aftershock and a moonsault to finish with 2% health, talk about lucky :)
Stage 9 (Target: 2500 points)
Set up the referee and Ackrite (the other wrestler) so that one of them is touching the matting/concrete border and the other is just behind them.  Climb to the turnbuckle and press 2 to check they are in line with you (if not go down and move them) then perform a shooting star press onto both people for 700+ points.  Do 3-4 of these and your laughing as you go onto the next level.  Obviously if you need 25 points don't go for the 700 point shooting star press, do an Aftershock or a Splash to get as many points as you need.
Stage 10 (Target: 2500 points)
What? 2500 points again?  This time though you can't use items.  I used exactly the same strategy as above so just scroll up to find out how this level is done.
Stage 11 (Target: 2500 points)
2500 points again but this time it is with no items from the entranceway.  Remember where you put the table for your big entrance?  Put both guys there and shooting star press the pair of them to pick put 700+ points.  the annoying thing about this level is that it is extremely difficult to do with even 1 bad jump unless you pick up minimal damage on the shooting star press.
Stage 12 (Target: Spectacular Bump (worth 1000 points))
Basically you have to do a move worth 1000 points or more using a spectator, this can be tricky to do without killing yourself.  To start with pile up a spectator, a metal crate and a wooden crate so that the far side of the crate is touching the pavement, then climb all the way up to the top to the very back of the building.  Run and then do a splash jump (Z) and hold down to perform a shooting star press, with a bit of luck if you hit all three items you should get 1050 points and shouldn't lose too much health.
Stage 13 (Target: 2750 points)
2750 points is actually easy to get, look at all those items :)  To start with put the TNT on top of a metal crate and pile on the wrestler and the owner guy. Position these at the border between the mats and concrete, go up to the top turnbuckle (press 2 to check if the people are inline)  and then jump and do a shooting star press.  With the TNT this could rack up 1500 points but probably slightly less.  Do this and then another couple of shooting star presses to finish the level.
Stage 14 (Target: 3 good moves on friend)
I really hate this level.  First off I do three running jumping shooting star presses through a table and a chair and nail the guy three times only to find out the move needs to be over 200 points.  Anyway, place your friend where you placed him in level two, climb up to the top and do a shooting star press, repeat 3 times and your on to the FINAL STAGE!!!
Stage 15 (Target: 3000 points)
Do this level how you please.  I did it like so, position the referee and champion somewhere and then do a shooting star press from the top, move the ref and champ to that place  and shooting star press them for 700 points, repeat this 4 times and that should be it (adding the 300 points for the shooting star press you did without hitting anyone.)
Congratulations you have completed the game, enjoy the editor!

Contact Me
You can contact me (Gary Rennie) through either AOL (crazygaz2001), MSN( or Yahoo(crazygaz3000) Messengers you can email me at
Thanks to MDickie for making this game, thanks to the wrestlers for allowing Mat to use them in their games (just kidding) and finally thanks to the real wrestlers who do actually do these sort of things.

Copyright © MDickie 2000 - 2003